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Hans Op de Beeck @ Marianne Boesky


© Hans Op de Beeck

Images courtesy of:
The Artist
Marianne Boesky Gallery,
New York · Aspen

Installation views:
Object Studies

Individual views:
Studio Hans Op de Beeck


March 20, 2019 

2-TIMES  Art
Hans Op de Beeck,
Staging Silence (3)
@ Marianne Boesky

A visual journey
through depopulated,
enigmatic and often
melancholic, but
nonetheless playful,
small-scaled places,
which are built up
and taken down
before the eye of
the camera...

1969 – Turnhout, Belgium. 

The exhibition:
Is Brussels-based 
Op de Beeck’s third &
final installment of his
Staging Silence’ series,
with prior films having
debuted in 2009 and
2013. The presentation
also includes a new life-
sized sculpture, several
smaller sculptural works,
and a selection of

In the three films, 
two pairs of anonymous 
hands construct and 
deconstruct fictional 
interiors & landscapes 
on a mini film set of 
just three square 
meters in size. 

2-TIMES highlights: 
(detail) Blossom Tree (3), 2018 
· The Library (wall piece), 2019 

On view at:
Marianne Boesky Gallery
507 W 24th St, Chelsea,
New York, NY 10011, 
United States. 

April 6, 2019.