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Nan Goldin @ Marian Goodman


© 2020 Nan Goldin 

All images & content:
Courtesy of The Artist
Marian Goodman Gallery
New York, Paris, London


January 6, 2020

2-TIMES  Art
Nan Goldin,
@ Marian
Goodman Gallery

Echoing the
enchanting call
of the Sirens from 
Greek mythology,
who lured sailors to
their untimely deaths
on rocky shores...

1953 — Washington,
D.C., United States. 

The exhibition:
Is Goldin's first solo
presentation in London
since her 2002 show
at Whitechapel Art
Gallery, presenting
a range of historical
works by the renowned
American artist, together
with three new video

Music compositions
& sound design: 
Mica Levi, CJ Calderwood, 
and Neil Benezra. 

Video editing:
David Sherman. 

My dream since I
was a kid was of a
world with completely
fluid gender & sexuality,
which has come true
as manifested by all
those living publicly as
gender non-conforming.

The invisible has
become visible

On view at:
Marian Goodman 
5-8 Lower John St,
Soho, London W1F 9DY,
United Kingdom. 

January 11, 2020.